Monday, January 23, 2012


1. Cambodia:

Noyes Street
French Protectorate 1893
three kingdoms
1949 (autonomy)
1953 free from french
Nea Yuok - anagrams:
Aeon Yuk
A Ken You
A Nuke Yo
A Yoke Nu
A Eon Yuk
A One Yuk
Oak Ye Nu

1. Laos

Nea Yuok Roth Montrei
-A Unyoke
-Aeon Yuk
Article 119
Angkorian sites
Paxaxon Lao

The most recent elections took place in April 2011. The assembly was expanded to 99 members in 1997, to 115 members in 2006 and finally to 132 members during the 2011 elections.

In 1992, elections were held for a new 85-seat National Assembly with members elected by secret ballot to five-year terms.

LPRP - binding decrees

Capital--Vientiane (2012 pop. est. 853,000).  Thakhek
Terrain: Rugged mountains, plateaus, alluvial plains.

6.5 million.

various ethnic languages.

8%; Tibeto-Burman (8 ethnic groups)--3%; other ethnic groups (including Vietnamese and Chinese)--0.9%.

Baha’I and Islam, <1%others (principally animism)30.9%.

1,000. Life expectancy (2011., UNDP)--67.5 years.

Type: Communist state.

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